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3 steps to overcome stage fear practically

Learn 3 steps to overcome stage fear practically :

Are you afraid of speaking on stage,or to give a presentation or a seminar may be a speech...don't worry it's a quite normal thing for everyone atleast at some point of their life..but don't worry iam gonna tell you 3 simple steps which will help you to overcome your stage fear irrespective of who you may be a student or a employee,may be a woman who want to express her issues with her family....

Without any delay let's get into the topic....
3 steps to overcome stage fright..they are :

1.Never and Ever loose your confidence 

It may sound like very common word...but it is a foundation of many skills...

Dont ever  loose your might panic while giving a speech looking at face of audience.....but just feel as if you are a preacher and one who is listening is a fool....😂 Might sound rude...but yes it actually works....speak out in a way that the audience doesn't know anything and you are a intelligent person....

Motivate yourself before going on to the stage....and start your words...🤓

2.Get some knowledge about the topic you speak :

Check yourself that if you have enough knowledge about the topic you are speaking...
Do a ground research work on boasts your confidence level...and  also you can answer any queries regarding your topic...

Write down some it properly,revise it...then you will be ready...😊

 3.Practice :

Practice your speech before going on to the stage.....stand infront of a mirror...and practice the speech by looking at yourself that you can not only correct your speech language but also your body language... remember that only you only know your best version 😉 not anyone else...

Practice the speech by shouting or screaming as loud as you can...😂 

Adjust your voice levels....

You may don't have confidence,or a written work done on it....but practice make things go on practice because practice makes person perfect...

  • And also participate in any possible illocution competition's
  • Talk as much as possible in gatherings
  • Don't get worried about your mistakes..
  • Learn from your experiences...😊

Watch the above know how people are dealing with their stage fright..

Ok then,,,,it's all about how to overcome your stage fear....hope it will be useful... thank you for reading...
See you in the next blog...
      Cheers. !

 Anusha kadarla...😊


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